The Hammermill Library doesn't always have what you need. When a book or article you want to read isn't available at the Hammermill library, it may be possible for us to borrow it from another library on your behalf. We have two services available that you can use: EZborrow and ILLiad.
For Books: Always start with EZborrow. You can search for items in our network of partner libraries yourself and request them to be shipped here right away. If you don't find the title in EZborrow, then try ILLiad.
For Journal Articles you must use ILLiad.
Both services are cost-free for you the user. If you have any questions please contact Lori Krasnesky, Interlibrary Loan Specialist, at
But first, check our collections in the LIBRARY CATALOG or the FULL TEXT FINDER JOURNAL LIST, as we might already have the item you're looking for after all.
EZBorrow is an interlibrary loan service that allows you to find and borrow books from over 50 member libraries. You make your requests directly to the EZborrow service and your materials are then delivered to the Hammermill Library in about 3-5 business days. EZborrow is made possible by PALCI, a library consortium with member institutions in PA and neighboring states. You may also use EZborrow's search to find other library collections to visit in person (check with other libraries' visitor policies before doing so).
Log on to ILLiad here
For articles and items EZborrow does not have
To renew ILL items borrowed from ILLiad, contact our Interlibrary Loan Specialist directly at or (814) 824-3988. Renewals are subject to approval by the lending library, and you may only receive one renewal per book.