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Interior Design: Articles

Finding Articles

Databases are the first place to look for articles. Databases usually have information about an article (such as the title, author, name of the journal or magazine in which the article appeared) and they may also contain a summary (abstract) of the article.

Some databases have a complete copy of the articles (called full text). In this case, there is a link to an HTML or PDF document.


Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan
Our ILL service allows you to request articles, books, chapters from books, and conference proceedings to request from libraries all over the country. Choose the material you'd like to request, log in using your Name and Mercyhurst ID Number, then fill out the form as completly as possible and click 'Submit This Request'.

*Please check the holdings at Hammermill Library before requesting materials through these services!


 Begin your search in these recommended databases:


Use the link below to access a list of journal titles, in this subject, held by Hammermill Library.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search
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Erie, PA 16546