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Medical Laboratory Technician: Home

This guide will provide academic resources for students and faculty enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Technician program at Mercyhurst College.

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This guide is designed to help students and faculty access credible resources related to the medical laboratory technician program.  Various types of library materials useful in research are provided.  This guide is NOT a comprehensive listing of sources, but can be used as a starting point to begin research projects based on specific information needs.

To find articles, click on the Articles tab.

To find books, search our catalog; the Books tab of this page also lists several reference books that may be of use.

To find web resources, click on the Websites tab.

For help writing your bibliography, click on the How to Cite Sources tab.

Check out the Career Guide's tab for help in writing your resume and job listing sites.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this page, please leave a comment below!





Example Searches:

Dates - February 3, 1959 Two Names - Adam, Eve
Cities - Erie, PA Two Foods - 1 banana, 2 cheerios
Two Stocks - KFT CPB Measurements - 3 ft
Calculations - $128 + 6% Chemical Formulas - C2H5OH
Math Formulas - x^3cos(x) Musical Notes - Cb


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