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Creating a Citation Page

Citation Generator

Automatic citation generators are quick and easy ways to create a works cited page.  Unfortunately, these tools aren't always correct.

If you choose to use an automatic citation generator, like the ones provided below, ensure the generated citations are correct by checking them against a style manual or guidelines provided by a professor. 


There are quite a few different ways to cite resources in your paper. The citation style usually depends on the academic discipline involved. For example: Social Science Research requires the mastery of APA.

Check with your professor to make sure you use the required style. And whatever style you choose, BE CONSISTENT!

Citation Style Guides

Copyright & Plagiarism

Here are some resources to help you better understand Copyright, Plagiarism, and the correct documentation of resources.

You Quote It, You Note It!

Want to learn the basics of avoiding plagiarism and learn why, when, and how to cite? Check out this tutorial!