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Writing the Research Paper: Writing Your Paper

Writing Papers and Presentations

Congratulations! You've chosen a topic, planned your research, found and evaluated resources--you're ready to get writing! Check out this website by the University of Toronto on Academic Writing: Advice on Academic Writing

Writing a Paragraph?

Writing an Essay or Taking an Essay Exam?

Writing a Multi-Page Paper?

Still need help? The following resources will help you with writing and citation as well as information on grammer, subjected specifid writing and more:

The OWL at Purdue

Harvard University's Student Writing Guides

The University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill Writing Center Handouts

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Handbook

Research and Documentation Online

Research 101

Doing a presentation? Check out these resources for helpful tips, do's and dont's, and more:

Presentation Helper from Presentation Magazine


Microsoft's PowerPoint Suport/Training

Making an Effective Poster Presentation

Writing your Thesis Statement

thesis statement clearly defines the purpose of your research paper.  This is a declarative sentence that asserts the position a paper will be taking.  This statement should be both specific ad arguable.  Generally, the thesis statement will be placed at the end of the first paragraph of your paper.  The remainder of your paper will support this thesis.

Citation Style Guides

You Quote It, You Note It!

Want to learn the basics of avoiding plagiarism and learn why, when, and how to cite? Check out this tutorial!