GF: Human ecology, Anthropogeography
GN: Anthropology
GR: Folklore
We arrange every book on the shelves in the library by subject. Like other academic libraries, we use the Library of Congress Classification System to assign call numbers to our materials so that materials on similar topics are next to each other on the shelves and patrons and staff can easily find what they need.
You need to know a book's call number in order to get it off the shelf in the library. CSU, Los Angeles has created a guide that provides a useful introduction to the organizational scheme:
Understanding Call Numbers
Encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference materials also follow the Library of Congress Classification System and can be found in the reference section on the Main Level of the Mercyhurst Libraries.
Not sure where to go? Ask at the circulation desk or check out our map of the Hammermill library:
Map of Hammermill Library