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Human Growth and Development: Home


Human Growth and Development acquaints you with developmental concepts in psychology and gives you an understanding of the basic dynamics which underlie human behavior at various stages in the lifespan. In order to help you with your research on this subject, your librarians have put together this guide to help with your assignment needs.  Here you can find valid, accurate, and credible sources for a variety of topics in the resources we've listed on this guide.


To find articles, click on the Articles tab.

To find books, search our catalog; the Books tab of this page also lists several reference books that may be of use.

To find web resources, click on the Websites tab.

For help writing your bibliography, click on the APA tab.


Human Growth and Development Theories

Library Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 am - 11 pm
Saturday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Sunday: 2 pm - 11 pm