Databases are the first place to look for articles. Databases usually have information about an article (such as the title, author, name of the journal or magazine in which the article appeared) and they may also contain a summary (abstract) of the article.
Some databases have a complete copy of the articles (called full text). In this case there is a link to an HTML or PDF document.
Additionally, research articles often cost money to access in full text elsewhere online. Mercyhurst's libraries already have subscriptions to thousands of titles, so you don't have to pay to download!
Use these search strategies to help you find useful information quickly and effectively:
Let one good book or article lead you to others. Scholarly publications almost always have bibliographies or lists of works cited. Check these out! If the original source is useful to you, works used by the author may be valuable, too.
You can also see how a particular book or article is categorized and look for other works in that category.
Check out these searching tutorials for more information:
Or choose these recommended databases individually:
Need journal we don't have at Mercyhurst? You can request articles and other materials through our Interlibrary Loan service provided by the Mercyhurst Libraries.
Interlibrary Loan
Our ILL service allows you to request articles, books, chapters from books, and conference proceedings to request from libraries all over the country. Choose the material you'd like to ask for, log in using your Name and Mercyhurst ID Number, then fill out the form as completely as you can and click 'Submit This Request'.
But do look in our catalog first-- we just might have what you wanted all along!