Google Scholar is a special version of Google that looks for scholarly materials. These might cost money to view or download. The Hammermill Library can still help; links to our collections should appear if we have an item available in full text online. From on-campus this feature is automatic, but when outside the campus network, you'll need to activate our Library Links in the Google Scholar Settings menu.
Databases are the first place to look for articles because we have subscriptions to journals and more which helps you avoid paywalls that you'll run into when searching online. Databases usually have information about an article (such as the title, author, name of the journal or magazine in which the article appeared) and they may also contain a summary (abstract) of the article.
Some databases have a complete copy of the articles (called full text). In this case there is usually a link to an HTML or PDF document.
Use truncation (*) to find word variants. Adolescen* retrieves adolescent, adolescents, adolescence. Use quotation marks (") around phrases to search for exact phrases. Example: "As you like it"
Need an article we don't have at Mercyhurst? You can request articles and other materials through interlibrary loan services provided by the Mercyhurst Hammermill library. Be sure to check the full text holdings at our website before requesting materials through these services.