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American Government: Books

A guide to help students and staff find reliable sources about the American government

LC Call Numbers

Browse these call number areas for books on your topic:

E: American History, General
F: American History, Local Areas
J-JA: Political Science, General
JC: Political Theory
JF-JZ: Political Institutions

Encyclopedias relating to these topics can be found in the reference section under these call number ranges; you can also request and use books from Hammermill Library in Erie.

Interlibrary Loan

Find an article or a book we don't have at Mercyhurst? You can request articles and other materials through document delivery services provided by Mercyhurst libraries.

Interlibrary Loan
Our ILL service allows you to request articles, books, chapters from books, and conference proceedings from libraries all over the country. Choose the material you'd like to request, log in using your Name and Mercyhurst ID Number, then fill out the form as completly as possible and click 'Submit This Request'.

*Please check the holdings at  Mercyhurst libraries before requesting materials through these services!


Search for an item in libraries near you: >>


Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

These are available at Ridge Library in the Reference section for in-library use. 

New Titles

Issues and Controversies