Databases are the first place to look for articles. Databases usually have information about an article (such as the title, author, name of the journal or magazine in which the article appeared) and they may also contain a summary (abstract) of the article.
Some databases have a complete copy of the articles (called full text). In this case there is a link to an HTML or PDF document.
Begin your search with these reccommended databases:
To browse all print and electronic journals in the sciences at Mercyhurst Libraries, click one of the links below:
Keywords are the words that most accurately describe the topic you want. As you search, look in the records you find for additional or more exact keywords or phrases to use.
Think about different words an author might have used.
AND, OR, NOT, Quotes and Stars
Use these special words ("operators") to connect your keywords --
AND -results must include both words.
OR -results can contain either of the words. Use to link synonyms
NOT -results include one word and not the other.
Quotes - (in most databases) the quoted words must appear together.
Star - (in most databases) look for all variations after the *.
Limit your Search
Depending on the database, this could be searching by Title, Author or Publication Date. Also look for "Descriptors" or "Subject terms" assigned to good articles, then search by those terms.
Ask a Librarian
Talk to the librarian at the reference desk for more tips.