Welcome to the LibGuide for Science
Where will I find information?
On this page you find Search Tips, InterLibrary Loan (ILL), and are able to Search the Catalog .
At the top of the page you will find tabs for indexes and databases, books and websites, among other resources.
In the column to the right you will find links to Mercyhurst University websites and the Ridge Library Hours.
What is a LibGuide?
LibGuides are collections of subject specific library resources. Each LibGuide contains links to books, articles, websites, and other resources to assist you in your research. To find these resources select the corresponding tab in the menu just above this box.
Check the the video below for more information:
Example Searches:
Dates - February 3, 1959 | Two Names - Adam, Eve |
Cities - Erie, PA | Two Foods - 1 banana, 2 cheerios |
Two Stocks - KFT CPB | Measurements - 3 ft |
Calculations - $128 + 6% | Chemical Formulas - C2H5OH |
Math Formulas - x^3cos(x) | Musical Notes - Cb |
For other examples, view the Wolfram|Alpha Examples by Topic.
Watch Stephen Wolfram's Introduction to Wolfram Alpha.
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 11 pm
Saturday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Sunday: 2 pm - 11 pm