"There's no one right answer as to what constitutes a "fair use" of a particular copyrighted work. The answer varies from situation to situation."
Posting an item to Blackboard does not exempt an instructor from copyright regulations. Therefore, instructors are encouraged to consult these guidelines. In order of preference, these include:
Item | Probably Allowed | Not allowed |
Web site containing copyrighted material | Link to the web site via Blackboard | Copying and pasting the information into Blackboard |
Copyrighted web image | Must be educational in nature; display in Blackboard for one semester | Repeated use over multiple semesters |
Article from a library database | Direct linking to article allowed | Copying and pasting the article into Blackboard |
Scanned copyrighted image | Must be educational in nature; display in Blackboard for one semester | Repeated use over multiple semesters |
Scanned chapter from a book |
5% of the total work if in-print, 10% of the total work if out-of-print--allowed for only one semester |
More than the allotted percents or repeated use over multiple semesters |
Scanned article from a journal, trade publication, or magazine | A single article for one semester | Multiple articles from the same publication or repeated use over multiple semesters |
Audio files | No more than 30 seconds without permission | Repeated use over multiple semesters |
Video files | 10% or three minutes, whichever is less |
Repeated use over multiple semesters |
(The courts are not bound by these amounts and the Copyright Act contains no such amounts. Therefore it is always advisable to err on the side of caution and complete your own Fair Use Evaluation before scanning and posting to Blackboard.)
Questions about which library databases have persistent URLs or on how to set up your link in Blackboard? Please contact: