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About Kanopy Streaming Movies: Accessing Kanopy

Using Kanopy

What is Kanopy?

Kanopy is a video-streaming platform dedicated to thoughtful and thought-provoking films. Founded in 2008, Kanopy was established to provide academic institutions with essential films that foster learning and conversation.

Accessing Selected Titles

To access titles that are in our Kanopy collection, enter the database from Mercyhurst's access link here (not from Google or . Some films in our collection should be listed here showing their posters. You may also search for the title of a film. If it's in our collection, you should be able to view it right away.

For more information on searching, browsing, sharing, embedding, closed captions, and more, please visit Kanopy's official Help Pages here.

Off Campus access

When accessing Kanopy from outside the campus network, use the same link you use from on campus. You should see a button that says LOG IN TO MERCYHURST or something similar. You should then be prompted to log into your Mercyhurst Microsoft account. After logging in your might see a page asking you to create an account, but you can click "SKIP" to avoid this. From here you should see "Mercyhurst University" on the page and be able to view our collection of Kanopy films.

Requesting Tiles for Access

Requests for acquisition of new Kanopy content may be made by professors only.


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501 East 38th Street
Erie, PA 16546