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Top Ten Things to Know About the Ridge Library

10.    The library uses Library of Congress call numbers (alpha/numeric) for its book collections.

9.      Wireless access for your laptop is available throughout the library (Please see someone from the IT department to get started).

8.      We have more than books at the library-electronic resources, dvd collection and a coffee bar area- all to help you with your studies.

7.      Mercyhurst Colleges students have access to more than 50 databases for all your academic needs.

6.      Students may check out books for 28 days and DVD's for 1 week with 1 renewal (if there are no outstanding holds on the item/s).

5.      The Hammermill and Ridge Libraries participate in ILL (Inter Library Loan) systems so that students may borrow materials from other libraries.

4.      The Hammermill and Ridge Libraries have more than 200,000 books, CDs, DVDs, journals and magazines for your use.

3.      Members of the Mercyhurst College community can access the library's catalog and databases 24/7.

2.      Librarians at both locations have created Libguides in several academic disciplines to further assist you with your studies.

1.      Librarians are always available to assist you with your information needs.  Just ask us!!


Tips For Your Academic Success...

We want you to be successful during your time at Mercyhurst North East and after you graduate.  Listed below are some academic survival tips that will help you become successful college students during your time at Mercyhurst North East and with your future studies.

1.   Visit Your Advisor Frequently- Take the time to meet with your academic advisor on a regular basis and develop an on-going relationship.  This relationship can be beneficial in many ways.  You will better understand the academic expectations at MNE and your advisor will get to know you as a person so that they will better understand your academic needs.  You should also make use of Academic Support Services.  They can arrange tutoring for subject areas you may find to be a little challenging.

2.   Manage Your Schedule

3.   Get to Know Your Instructors/Professors

4.   Determine Your Individual Learning Style

5.   Attend Your Classes

6.   Use the Library-As Mercyhurst students you have access to two libraries-the Ridge Library at the North East campus and the Hammermill Library located at the Erie campus.  Both libraries provide the academic materials and resources you need to be successful students.   

7.   Utilize Your Instructors/Professors Office Hours

8.   Understand the Importance of the Student/Advisor Relationship

9.   Recognize When to Get Help

10.   Know the Value of a Tutor

11. How Professors Can Help You


Use these handouts/guides from the University of Guelph Library for tips and assistance with Effective Learning Strategies, Time Management, Exam Preparation, Working in Groups, and Academic Presentations.

Ridge Library Resources (Books in Your Library)

Library Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 am - 11 pm
Saturday: 1 pm - 7 pm
Sunday: 2 pm - 11 pm

Student Support Services

Your College Experience

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Hammermill Library
501 East 38th Street
Erie, PA 16546